Anne-Marie Bertrand

  • 1972 :  Created toys with textiles (dolls, animals, giant cushions) and published the ideas in magazines
  • 1982 :  Created figurative pictures in the textile medium. These were often exhibited in shows and well recognised by the public.
  • 1987 :  Artistic expression became naturally more abstract with the diversity of different mediums, textures and salvaged materials. Participated in numerous contests;  frequently organised classes and courses to teach the artistic techniques.
  • From 1982 : Numerous exhibitions in France and also in Switzerland (Avenches, Crans-Montana, Lausanne, Onnens), Germany (Oldenburg, Freiburg, Unna), Canada (Sherbrook), Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto), Hungary (Budapest), U.S. (Dallas, Pasadena, Atlanda, Denver), Belgium (Tournai) and Italy (Come, Venise).
  • Works in the collection: The Presidency of the French Republic, The Departmental council of Essonne.
  • Publication : ”A Journey in textile” – publisher Quiltmania

Des textiles, de la peinture, des médiums, des textures, du fil, de la laine …
Entre blanc pur et couleurs
Entre force et délicatesse
Entre imaginaire et poésie
Anne Marie Bertrand a su composer une palette personnelle alliant le figuratif et l’abstraction.

Les arbres, la nature et les saisons inspirent ses dernières recherches…
La récupération et l’usure évoquent le temps qui passe…
l’artiste a par son travail crée un véritable langage qu’elle partage avec chacun d’entre nous.

Textiles, Paint, mediums, textures, yarn, wool…
Between pure white and colours
Between strength and delicacy
Between imagination and poetry
Anne Marie Bertrand has been able to compose a personal palette combining figurative and abstraction.

Trees, nature and the seasons inspire her latest research…
Salvage and wear evoke the passing of time…
Through her work the artist has created a real language that she shares with each of us.